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Each quiz module has five questions, each with multiple choice answers and are split into the following categories: Text Only, Picture, Audio, Film and Multimedia.

Lets see if you are salty sea dog and worthy to join the crew of one of the most famous pirates to have ever sailed the 7 seas. test your knowledge on Blackbeard the Pirate.

Mind over muscle? Maybe you will need both for these questions. They are perfect for Biology and Physiology students or anyone one with an interest in the field

5 biology questions for you to digest!!

These questions are perfect for Biology and Physiology students or anyone with an interest in the field.

5 'Bloody' challenging Biology questions

If you've ever asked, What's that in old money? then you'll like this one, test your memory of Britain's pre-decimal coins.

Test your knowledge of Marvel Superhero films before 'The MCU' was ever a thing!!

Test your knowledge of Marvel Superhero films that were released before 'The MCU' was ever a thing!!

Arguably one of the greatest bands in the history of music. They don't make them like this anymore!!!

A science fiction novel of epic proportions and an equally huge blockbuster movie - Ready Player" One is the ultimate Easter Egg Hunt!

They are known by their stage names, but do you know the real names of these famous performers?

One of the cleverest, strangest, funniest shows ever created, Rick and Morty will either have you scratching your head or laughing until it hurts. Are you a fan? Show me what you got!!!;

How much do you know about this incredibly popular online game platform and game creation system?

We speak essentially the same language as our transatlantic cousins, but can you make sense of the differences between British English and American English?

Scotland is steeped in folklore and tales of mythical beings, but how good is your knowledge of these mysterious beasties?

Sleeping Beauty is not only one of Disney's most beautiful animated movies - it also went to inspire the popular live-action remake genre.

Answer these 5 questions quickly before they disappear like a Snapchat picture!!

It was Walt Disney's greatest gamble - the first ever feature-length animated movie. Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs went on to be a true Disney Classic.

What is a saviour without a cause? Every hero needs a villain! This module is a worthy addition to any superhero quiz!!

Stephanie Beatriz is an actor known mostly for her roles in Brooklyn 99 and Modern Family. How well do you know her?

What is a superhero without an alter ego? They are essential in protecting a superhero's loved ones and allows them to live a relatively normal life. How many secret identities do you know? be sure not to tell any villains what you learn!!

The Man of Steel, one of the greatest superheroes of all time, but do you know more than just the common facts about the son of Jor-El?

What is a saviour without a cause? Every hero needs a villain! Test your knowledge on the greatest foes of the costumed heroes!

Terry likes these questions.........

Have you memorised this system developed for radio communication or do you always just say T for Tea Kettle?

Another great console from Nintendo!! Selling over 60 Million systems worldwide, the Switch will be with us for many years to come!!

With its motion controllers, it revolutionised gaming, do you remember this classic console?

Bring out your inner ornithologist in this module based on one of the most majestic creatures in nature. Maybe you will end up knowing more than you did before!!

The Pianist is set in Nazi Germany and follows the life of a Polish Jewish musician who just wants one thing - to survive.

One of the most fascinating sci-fi writers that ever lived. Many of his short stories were made into films. Let's celebrate this incredible author with 5 questions about his short stories.

Test your knowledge on the songs and lyrics of Ariana Grande. Thank U, next!

The Stanford Prison Experiment was a largely known experiment that was remembered for its violations of ethics. This module is perfect for psychology students.

This burning ball keeps you warm, allows you to see and generally keeps you alive, so the least you could do is know something about it.

One of the strangest events that ever occurred, it was an epidemic, but with laughter instead of a disease!!

The Walking Dead The Game: Season One is an episodic adventure video game based on the comic book series of the same name.

The Walking Dead The Game: Season Two is an episodic adventure video game based on the comic book series of the same name.

The Walking Dead: The Final Season is an episodic adventure video game based on the comic book series of the same name.

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad was a rare Disney double-feature based on the British children's novel The Wind in the Willows; and the American Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

Terry Pratchett changed the world of fantasy literature with The Colour of Magic - the first book in the Discworld series.

One of the tensest periods in human history, a time of pure fear and negotiation, lets see how much you really know about the closest we ever got to WW3